School Councils

We have four school councils, which align with the four curriculum purposes. Learners are elected to each council at the start of the school year by their peers. They work with members of staff, and their designated Governor Leader, to enhance the provision of their curriculum area and to ensure that the voice of all learners is heard throughout all aspects of curriculum design and delivery.

“Many pupils make good use of opportunities to develop their leadership skills through a range of roles and pupil voice committees”
Estyn 2023

Ethical, Informed Citizens

Derek Cross
Governor Leader

Enterprising, Creative Contributors

Harry Saville & Alex Lamb
Governor Leader

Ambitious, Capable Learners

Alex Lamb
Governor Leader

Healthy, Confident Individuals

Sally Semmens
Governor Leader

In addition to the four permanent school councils, we also have the following Learner Voice Forums.

Criw Cymraeg

“The Criw Cymraeg actively promote the use of Welsh both within the school and the wider community”
- Estyn 2023

BSL Ambassadors

“Pupils have been instrumental in encouraging the use of British Sign Language (BSL) to ensure the school is fully inclusive”
- Estyn 2023

IT Ambassadors

“Pupils apply their digital skills in a range of creative contexts to support their wider learning”
- Estyn 2023

UNICEF Steering Group

“A clear focus on children’s rights, helps pupils to understand the importance of mutual respect.”
- Estyn 2023